Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Jui-Mao Huang1

1Department of Architecture Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan 25137, R.O.C.


Received: August 20, 1998
Accepted: January 25, 1999
Publication Date: January 25, 1999

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In real life social practice, we realized that urban planning and design is no longer a rational process or modeling technique. It is a discourse connected with the operation of economic and political power. In recent trend of restructuring of knowledge paradigms, there seem to be ample space for “alternative” imagination here in Taiwan. This paper discusses the evolution of planning and design discourse and spatial praxis in Taiwan. First, it discusses the expectation of the“civic city” in the review of the planning and design discourse,constructed in the social changes. Second, it analyses the established urban planning constitution, and many practicing experiences occurred in the urban space after martial law. Third, it refers to the concept of “Subjectivity” as the strategy for theory reconstruction response to the new urban experience. Finally, a syllabus of “Urban Planning” at TKU Architecture Department is presented as a spatial praxis.

Keywords: Design discourse, Planning discourse, Spatial Praxis, Urban planning, Urban planning teaching


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