Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Bernard N. Tokpohozin1,2,3,6,7This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Koffi J. Agbélèlè4,6, Fernando Y. J. Kpomahou4,6, Christian D. Akowanou1,3,6, Mathias A. Houékpohéha2,5, Guy H. Hounguè4,5, and Basile B. Kounouhéwa3,4,5

1Higher National Institute of Preparatory Classes for Engineering Studies (INSPEI / UNSTIM) of Abomey, Republic of Benin

2Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences (IMSP/UAC) 01BP 613) Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin

3Laboratory of Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics (LSIMA/UNSTIM), Abomey, Republic of Benin

4Higher Normal School of Technical Education (ENSET / UNSTIM) of Lokossa BP 133 Lokossa, Republic of Benin

5Department of Physics (FAST) and Materials Sciences Doctoral Training (FDSM / UAC), Republic of Benin

6National University of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (UNSTIM), BP: 486 Abomey, Republic of Benin

7Physics and Applications Laboratory (LPA/UNSTIM), Abomey, Republic of Benin



Received: July 19, 2024
Accepted: October 19, 2024
Publication Date: December 28, 2024

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Due to the issues related to the evolution of the seabed, the determination of the retreat or advancement of the ocean has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. Coastal areas are among the most dynamic places on the planet. Most of the coasts in the world are affected by the phenomenon of coastal erosion, in particular the coast of Benin. On the coast of Benin and in the Gulf of Guinea in general, the dynamics of the coastline is not a recent phenomenon but its scale has increased over the last decades. This erosion is the consequence of the impact of the swells. Identifying the causes of seabed dynamics in coastal areas is essential to understanding the physics of the phenomenon. This work emphasizes the different parameters that influence the morphodynamic evolutions of the beach and the coastline in this coastal area. The study is based on data obtained from the IRHOB (Institute of Halieutic and Oceanographic Research of Benin) of the CBRST (Benin Center for Scientific and Technical Research) on swells. This data was recorded with a time interval of 5 minutes; this allowed us to model the evolution of the coastline of the Benin coast. The results obtained show the major causes of the dynamics of the seabed on this coast in recent years.

Keywords: Coastline; Coastal dynamics; Swell direction; wave parameters; Benin Coastline

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