Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Hongdan Wang1This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Jian Zhang2

1Tieling Normal College, Tieling, 112608, China262737, China

2Liaoning Institute of Science and Engineering, Jinzhou, 121010, China



Received: December 15, 2024
Accepted: January 19, 2025
Publication Date: March 15, 2025

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Multi-view representation learning methods achieve great performance in various domains via fusing com plementary and consistent information of views, which have gained great attention. However, there still exist two issues in current methods. They typically assume strict semantic consistency across views to learn representations of multi-view data. Moreover, they lack a unified theoretical framework in mining patterns of multi-view data, making it difficult to gain a deeper understanding of multi-view representation learning. To this end, a new information-based multi-view representation learning within the encoding-decoding ar chitecture is proposed to aggregate complementary and consistent information for mining patterns (IMVRL). It consists of three mutual information objectives for multi-view representation learning, i.e., concentration learning, consistent learning, and comprehensiveness learning. Three objectives work seamlessly in aggregating complementary and consistent information to mine patterns of multi-view data. Finally, a series of extensive tests across three datasets underscore the advantages and efficacy of IMVRL.

Keywords: Mutual information maximization; multi-view representation learning; deep encoding-decoding architecture

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