Lung-Jieh Yang This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1 , Tsung-Tsong Wu2 and Shung-Wen Kang1 1Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering Tamkang University Tamsui, Taiwan 251, R.O.C.
2Institute of Applied Mechanics National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.
March 11, 2002
June 20, 2002
Publication Date:
September 1, 2002
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The microsensor technology was used here to identify the initiation time of an impact shock. The shock excitation caused by an impact sphere with a diameter of 4-6 minimeters could generate transient elastic waves in concrete structures. Such elastic waves with frequency above 100 kHz are the active emission sources for defect detection in the non-destructive testing (NDT) of concrete using transient elastic waves. In this paper, an impact sphere, which was packaged with a piezoresistive microsensor, was fabricated to verify this new idea. The microsensor after packaging has the maximum output voltage of 100 mV and the rise time less than 5 microsecond subjected to a sphere impact. The promising result of the initiation time experiment showed that the calibrated (short circuit) signal was left behind the microsensor signal for 40 nanoseconds.ABSTRACT
Transient Elastic Wave, Impact Initiation, Microsensor