Deyue Meng , Zengqiang Ma, and Wei Liu
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Cangzhou Normal University, Cangzhou 061001, China
February 4, 2024
July 18, 2024
Publication Date:
September 8, 2024
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In PMSM motor drive systems, control accuracy and resistance have always been the most important challenges for researchers. This paper addresses these two challenges and presents a control structure that makes the system performance robust against model uncertainties of system disturbances as well as sudden load changes. In other words, in this paper, an improved MPC controller has been presented, in which model uncertainties and possible disturbances on the system are considered during design. In addition, in order to apply the physical limitations of the electric motor during the design of this improved controller, the input limitations of the system have also been considered. Therefore, the desired MPC controller is a resistant and constrained MPC, it is resistant to uncertainties and disturbances. In addition, in order to further strengthen the control loop against sudden load changes, a sliding estimator has also been designed to estimate the load torque. This estimator itself is also resistant to the uncertainties of the model, which makes the entire control structure have a very robust performance. The performance of the method presented in this article has been compared with a conventional sliding method during a series of practical tests. The results showed that the proposed method has a higher accuracy of 3 rpm and a shorter convergence time of 2 seconds.
PMSM, Control, MPC, SMO, robust, constraint, drive, electrical machine.
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